“I capture the magic of nature’s fleeting moments.”
Bring Natures Harmony Home
As a boy, I wandered around the farmlands of southern Idaho and learned how to absorb what nature offered. I would often be overcome with feelings of elation as nature whispered her message to my soul. Later in life, I refined my ability to resonate with the energies of nature and more deeply discovered her incredible renewing effects on my spirit! Each time I visit the wilderness, whether it be on land with a backpack in tow or on the water in a kayak, I discover more about myself and my passions—my purpose.
My name is Shane Davila. Experiencing nature at a heightened level through landscape photography is my greatest joy! It all started while waiting in a grocery line back when I was in college. The line was moving slowly, and as I looked down at the magazines that lined the checkout aisle, a powerful picture captured my attention. It was the cover of Outdoor Photographer Magazine. As I thumbed through its pages, I was mesmerized by the incredible imagery. For the next three years, I poured over each issue all the while envisioning myself someday making great photographs just as the masters that graced its pages. The interesting thing is that I did not even own a camera at the time. Three years later, with graduation money, I rushed down to the Ritz camera store in Moscow, Idaho and told the sales clerk my intentions to become a photographer like those in Outdoor Photography Magazine.
While in nature, I often experience moments of delight and calm as the setting sun gently sinks below the horizon revealing another world of warm pastel colors as a calming hush spreads across the landscape. In these minutes and hours, elements come together to produce unique combinations of serendipity. I refer to these as singularities in time—slivers of moments filled with the harmonious qualities of nature that resonate with all of my senses fostering multidimensional experiences of deep emotion and clarity of mind.
“My MISSION is to enrich people’s lives with heightened well-being and solitude by helping them experience natures soothing energy and harmony through my photographic art.”
"Each of my photographs represents a singularity in time and space. A captured moment now only an echo through the ages. " -- Shane Davila